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Cyrotherapy treatment information

Does it hurt?

The freezing spray is extremely cold, so when it is applied a sharp discomfort is quite normal. However this is usually mild and disappears to a slight ache within seconds. If the a lesion on the soles of the feet has been treated, some discomfort may occur when walking for a few days afterwards.

Are there any complications I should know about?

Cryotherapy is an extremely safe procedure. Shortly after the treatment you will notice the area becoming inflamed, in other words red and slightly swollen, perhaps with some weeping. This usually settles within a day or two. Very occasionally a blister or blood blister may form. If this does occur it can treated by carefully puncturing the blister with a sterile needle. Sometimes the treated skin may become slightly paler or darker than the surrounding skin, particularly if you have naturally pigmented skin.

What should I do after having cryotherapy?

The area treated with cryotherapy should settle and heal by itself. You do not need to apply a plaster or dressing, If the area is uncomfortable, it is sometimes helpful to take paracetamol (2 tablets). You should wash the skin as normal. Healing usually takes 2 weeks, although occasionally may take longer.

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